Analyze And Measure Sequential Logic Timing Statistically LeCroy Application Brief No. LAB WM729
Finding Setup/Hold Timing Violation
Analyze And Measure Sequential Logic Timing Statistically
The analysis and location of tim-
ing errors in sequential logic cir-
cuits goes beyond merely trig-
gering on a timing anomaly.
Statistical analysis helps the de-
signer understand the nature and
cause of the problem. A parame-
ter track function provides a fast
way to locate timing errors in
long data records.
Triggering a scope on a single
anomaly, such as a setup time
violation, can be helpful in
studying individual timing
events. A setup time sensitive
trigger is shown in figure 1. A
more complete picture of a tim-
ing problem is obtained by using
histogramming. In figure 2 the Figure 1: -……