The signal translation aspects of Digital Bandwidth Interleaving have been explained in the White Paper “Digital Bandwidth Interleaving” By Peter J. Pupalaikis. One question which was not addressed there and is often asked is about the upsampling process which increases the sampling rate from 40 to 80 GS/s. The Interleaving Process in Digital
Bandwidth Interleaving (DBI) Scopes
December, 2009
Upsampling is a well documented technique for increasing the sampling
rate of sampled data. To understand the similarities and differences
Summary between upsampling in the time and frequency domains, it is instructive to
begin by considering the most straightforward form of upsampling--the
The signal translation aspects
familiar approach in which the outputs of multiple digitizers are interleaved
of Digital Bandwidth
in the time domain..
Interleaving have been
explained in the White Paper
“Digital Bandwidth