BCTM_OCT_2002Optimization of a SiGe:C HBT in a BiCMOS Technology for Low Power Wireless Applications
Jay P. John, Francis Chai, Dave Morgan, Theresa Keller, Jim Kirchgessner, Ralf Reuter, Hernan Rueda, Jim Teplik, Jan White, Sandy Wipf, Dragan Zupac Digital DNATM Laboratories, Semiconductor Products Sector, Motorola Inc, Tempe AZ, Berlin, Germany 2100 E. Elliot Rd, MD: EL741, Tempe, AZ, 85284. Phone: (480) 413-3784, FAX: (480) 413-7950, Email: jay.john@motorola.com
ABSTRACT The performance enhancement of a SiGe:C HBT for RF/IF applications is described for Motorola’s 0.35m and 0.18m BiCMOS technologies. Cutoff frequencies (fT) have been improved from 50GHz to 78/84GHz (0.35/0.18m BiCMOS), with a reduction in minimum noise figure (NF) from 0.7dB to 0.3dB. Improvements occurred through the optimization ……