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GRLIB的IP 核,包括下列内容:1. Processors and support functionsLEON3 SPARC V8 32-bit processorDSU3 Multi-processor Debug support unitIRQMP Multi-processor Interrupt controllerGRFPU High-performance IEEE-754 Floating-point unitGRFPU-Lite Low-area IEEE-754 Floating-point unitLEON3FT Fault-tolerant SPARC V8 32-bit Processor2. Floating-point unitsGRFPU High-performance IEEE-754 Floating-point unitGRFPU-Lite Low-area IEEE-754 Floating-point unit3. Memory controllersSRCTRL 8/32-bit PROM/SRAM controllerSDCTRL PC133 SDRAM controllerFTSDCTRL 32/64-bit PC133 SDRAM Controller with EDACFTSRCTRL Fault Tolerant 32-bit PROM/SRAM/IO ControllerMCTRL 8/16/32-bit PROM/SRAM/SDRAM controllerFTMCTRL 8//32-bit PROM/SRAM/SDRAM controller with EDACAHBSTAT AHB failing address registerDDRCTRL 8/16/32/64-bit DDR controller with two AHB ports (Xilinx only) DDRSPA Single-port 16/32/64 bit DDR266 controller (Xilinx and Altera)SSRCTRL 32-bit synchronous SRAM (SSRAM) controllerFTSRCTRL8 8-bit SRAM / 16-bit IO Memory Controller with EDACSPIMCTRL SPI Memory controller4. AMBA Bus controlAHB2AHB Uni-directional AHB/AHB BridgeAHBBRIDGE Bi-directional AHB/AHB BridgeAHBCTRL AMBA AHB bus controller with plugplayAHBCTRL_MB AMBA AHB bus controller for multiple buses with plugplayAPBCTRL AMBA APB Bridge with plugplayAHBTRACE AMBA AHB Trace buffer5. PCI interfacePCITARGET 32-bit target-only PCI interfacePCIMTF/GRPCI 32-bit PCI master/target interface with FIFOPCITRACE 32-bit PCI trace bufferPCIDMA DMA controller for PCIMTFPCIARB PCI Bus arbiterWILD2AHB WildCard Debug Interface with DMA Master Interface6. On-chip memory functionsAHBRAM Single-port RAM with AHB interfaceAHBROM ROM generator with AHB interfaceSYNCRAM Parametrizable 1-port RAMSYNCRAM_2P Parametrizable 2-port RAMSYNCRAM_DP Parametrizable dual-port RAMREGFILE_3P Parametrizable 3-port register fileFTAHBRAM RAM with AHB interface and EDAC protection7. Serial communicationAHBUART Serial/AHB debug interfaceAHBJTAG JTAG/AHB debug interfaceAPBPS2 PS2 Keyboard interface with APB interfaceAPBUART Programmable UART with APB interfaceCAN_OC Opencores CAN 2.0 MAC with AHB interfaceGRCAN CAN 2.0 Controller with DMAGRSPW SpaceWire link with RMAP and AHB interfaceI2CMST I2C Master with APB interfaceI2CSLV I2C Slave with APB interfaceSPICTRL SPI Controller with APB interface8. Ethernet interfaceGRETH Gaisler Research 10/100 Mbit Ethernet MAC with AHB I/FGRETH_GIGA Gaisler Research 10/100/1000 Mbit Ethernet MAC with AHB9. USB interfaceGRUSBHC USB-2.0 Host controller (UHCI/EHCI) with AHB I/FUSBDCL USB-2.0 device controller / AHB debug communication link10. MIL-STD-1553 Bus interfaceB1553BC 1553 Bus controller with AHB interfaceB1553RT 1553 Remote terminal with AHB interfaceB1553BRM 1553 BC/RT/Monitor with AHB interface11. EncryptionGRAES 128-bit AES Encryption/Decryption CoreGRECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography Core12. Simulation and debuggingSRAM SRAM simulation model with srecord pre-loadMT48LC16M16 Micron SDRAM model with srecord pre-loadMT46V16M16 Micron DDR modelCY7C1354B Cypress ZBT SSRAM model with srecord pre-loadAHBMSTEM AHB master simulation model with scriptingAHBSLVEM AHB slave simulation model with scriptingAMBAMON AHB and APB protocol monitor13. CCSDS Telecommand and telemetry functionsGRTM CCSDS Telemetry EncoderGRTC CCSDS Telecommand DecoderGRPW Packetwire receiver with AHB interface GRCTM CCSDS Time manager GRHCAN CAN controller with DMA GRFIFO External FIFO Interface with DMA GRADCDAC Combined ADC / DAC Interface GRPULSE General Purpose Input Output GRTIMER General Purpose Timer Unit AHB2PP Packet Parallel Interface GRVERSION Version and Revision information register APB2PW PacketWire Transmitter Interface PW2APB PacketWire Receiver Interface GRCE/GRCD CCSDS/ECSS Convolutional Encoder and Quicklook Decoder N/A FTGRTMRX CCSDS Telemetry Receiver GRTCTX CCSDS Telecommand Transmitter 14. HAPS functionsHAPSTRAK HapsTrak controller for HAPS boards FLASH_1X1 32/16-bit PROM Controller for HAPS FLASHSRAM_1X1 32-bit SSRAM / PROM Controller for HAPS SRAMTEST_1X2 Controller for HAPS test daughter board TEST BIO1 Controller for HAPS I/O board BIO1SDRAM_1X1 32-bit SDRAM Controller for HAPS SDRAM DDR_1X1 64-bit DDR266 Controller for HAPS DDR GEPHY_1X1 Ethernet Controller for HAPS GEPHY……
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