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Release Notes for LM Flash ProgrammerVersion 2.0 - Initial Release of LM Flash Programmer.Version 2.5 - Added command line support.- Fixed bug that prevented programming over serial port with someof the new evaluation boards.Version 3.0 - Added ability to program over Ethernet using the Stellaris bootloader.- Added a User Register programming utility.- Divided utilities into two tabs: Flash Utilities and Other Utilities.Version 3.1 - Fixed a problem that occurs on some Windows Vista machines where theapplication crashes while starting up.Version 3.2 - Added the LM3S3748 evaluation board to the Quicksetpull-down menu.- Added the new crystal values supported in DustDevil to the Crystalpull-down menu.- Added support to debug port unlock for DustDevil and added promptsfor user to assert reset during the debug unlock procedure for Furyand DustDevil.- Fixed a problem that kept the debug port unlock utility from workingwith the new '811 eval boards.- Fixed a problem where the tab contents disappeared when the ESC keywas hit.Version 3.3 - Fixed bug that prevented uploading from working when using thecommand line portion of the tool.- Fixed bug that prevented programming larger binaries over the serialport using the bootloader.- Integrated new release of the debug library for faster operation.Version 3.4 - Fixed bug in the new debug library introduced in version 3.3 thatprevented programming of sandstorm class devices.- Added proper return codes to command line portion of the tool. 0 isreturned on success, and 1 is returned on failure.Version 3.5 - Added Ethernet programming "magic packet" transmission to allowautomated update without the need for user intervention at thetarget end (when apps are suitably coded to listen for the magicpacket and transfer control to the boot loader when it arrives).Build 654 - Removed tracking based on version number. It is now tracked strictlybased on build number.- Increased the number of COM ports in drop down menu from 25 to 100.- Added the ability to reset the target after a program operation usingthe serial interface.- Fixed a problem that was caused by setting up the device to run fromthe main oscillator but not allowing time for the main oscillator topower up and settle. This could cause problems if the main oscillatorwas not already being used in the application running on the board.- Fixed bug that prevented the GUI from starting on some Vista machines.- Added a transfer size option when using the serial program interface.Build 718 - Added support for USB Device Firmware Upgrade programming.- Grey out address boxes when the "Entire Flash" options arechecked in the Flash Utilities tab.- Added baud rates of 230400 and 460800 to the drop-down menu when usingthe Serial(UART) Interface.- Added support to remember all settings based the interface selected.- Fixed a problem for Dustdevil devices (EK-LM3S3748 board) that wascaused by setting up the device to run from the main oscillator butnot allowing enough time for the main oscillator to power up andsettle. This problem is seen if the main oscillator was not beingused in the application running on the board.- Fixed a problem that was seen when the software running on the deviceconfigured the system clock based on the settings in RCC2. Previousversions of LMFlash only configured RCC. Therefore the system clockwas not configured as expected by LMFlash. The symptom was that theprogramming operation would stall at 0%.- Added a programming timeout so that it will not stall in theprogramming loop if there is a problem.Build 749 - Fixed a problem with the UART interface seen when programminglarge files. The communication port read timeout parametersare now modified based on the file size to program. Largerimages require more flash pages to be erased and therefore needa longer timeout period when waiting for the acknowledge from thedevice after the erase completes.Build 757 - Bug fix for programming issues under certain conditions.Build 761 - Fixed a bug introduced by build 757 when programming sandstorm parts(for example - EK-LM3S811). Due to an update to the debug library,the JTAG frequency must be reduced to 600K for sandstorm devices.In the end, the programming of sandstorm devices is faster than inprevious releases even though the JTAG frequency has been reduced.Build 771 - Added STDOUT FIFO flushing when running LMFlash via the command line.This was needed to improve the update rate of status information whenLMFlash is called from a script (in some cases).- Added Tempest boards to Quick Set pull-down menu.Build 776 - Added Tempest to the Debug Port Unlock utility.Build 778 - Fixed a programming timeout issue on sandstorm devices in some cases.Build 814 - Added workaround for Tempest Rev B debug port unlock errata.- Changed all branding to Texas Instruments instead of Luminary Micro.Build 825 - Added warning about user registers to tempest debug unlock.- Added tempest debug unlock support to the command line.Build 923 - Added support for the code_red Red Probe interface.- Added support for SWD to both the Red Probe and ICDI interfaces.Build 1135 - Fixed page erase bug for devices with memory sizes greater than256K.- Updated to support Tempest Rev C3 / Firestorm A1Build 1140 - Updated USB DFU support following changes in the lmdfu.dll library.Build 1154 - Fix bug introduced 1135 that affects access to RDK-IDM-L35.Build 1159 - Add code to reset PB7 to TRSTn mode (for devices that support theTRSTn signal).- Modify the device intialization/reset code based on the connecteddevice class/revision.Build 1184- Changed default serial packet size from 76 to 60. Build 1213 - Additional modifications to init/reset code for newclass/revisions of silicon.Build 1218 - Update init/reset code for new class/revisions of silicon.Build 1292 - Update for new class/revisions of silicon.Build 1299 - Update for Stellaris ICDI on DK-LM3S9BN6.Build 1340 - Updated support for new Blizzard Class Silicon- Updated support for Tempest C5 / Firestorm A2 Silicon- Updated support for new Firestorm kits- Updated support for new Blizzard kit……
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    安装完成 运行时提示已停止工作 求大神帮忙·······
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