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详细说明:LPC2368学习板使的试验例程 包括CAN,ADC,cantest,Common,USBHost,USBUVC,PortLCD,GPIO,EXTINT/****************************************************************************** readme.txt: Description of the LPC23xx/24xx Example Software Package** Copyright(C) 2007, NXP Semiconductor* All rights reserved.** History* 2006.09.01 ver 1.00 Preliminary version, first Release* 2006.11.30 ver 1.10 Release 1. In this release, the major change* including:* (1) "lpc230x.h" has been changed to "lpc23xx.h"* to match the description. * (2) Tested on the latest Keil IDE 3.03a which has * the LPC236x device in the database, the beta release * used "LPC214x" for debugger and flash utility.* (3) Added I2S example.* (4) Hardware chage in Enable Control in port LCD.* (5) Fixed USB clock enable bit hangs caused by the * bootloader change.* 2007.01.26 ver 1.20 (1) Added LPC24xx related External Memory Controller* (EMC) support such as External SDRAM, External NOR* Flash, external NAND flash for Embedded Artists's* LPC2400 OEM Base Board support, external QVGA* LCD controller. The original LCD driver is from* Embedded Artists * (2) Added UART1 example software,* (3) Power management for GPIO wakeup* (4) Modified LPC23xx.h file, Clarified name definition for * USB Device configuration on both LPC23xx and LPC24xx such * as USBClkCtrl, USBClkSt, and USBPortSel registers.* (5) Added USB2 configuration as USB device in HID example * for Embedded Artists OEM board. Windows will recognize * Embedded Artists's board as a USB device during enumeration.* However, Keil's USB Utility may not work as the LEDs don't* match between the Keil's MCB2300 board and Embedded Artists* LPC24xx OEM board.* (6) Added hex file of the release build for each subdirectory* that you can use FlashMagic Flash Utility to update to the * internal flash.* 2007.02.27 ver 1.30 (1) Fixed a SDRAM initialization issue that the SDRAM test* will work when code is running from debugger but fails in* stand-alone. This is a timing issue in the SDRAM initialization.* Added SDRAM stand-alone debugging with UART and PC terminal* (2) Fixed a SD/MMC test software bug in mcitest.c. No change* in the driver, but error in the test comparison module.* (3) Fixed a EA_LCD driver initialization issue for the Embedded * Artists' LCD module.* (4) Added UART1 driver for Embedded Artists' board.* (5) Added board selection for Keil's MCB2300 and Embedded Artists'* LPC24xx OEM board definition in the tartget.h. The default is* Keil's MCB2300. The modules under EA_LCD and EXTMEM directories* are for Embedded Artists' board only.* 2007.07.20 ver 1.40 (1) Added EMAC ID check for compatibility between rev "-" and "A".* (2) Added I2S DMA access example.* (3) Added USB Host initialization example.* (4) Modified USB HID example on rev. "A" and verified USB related* bugs from rev. "-".* (5) Modified timer initialization routine to deal with both timer 0* and timer 1. * (6) Fixed some header file error, FIO1PIN1.* (7) Added Micrel PHY example to support PHY used on IAR KickStart Kit.* (8) Added SDRAM example for both Embedded Artists LPC2400 and Internal * Engineering board.* (9) Optimization on the MCI data transfer.* 2007.09.07 ver 1.50 (1) Due to the MAM fix and User Manual Update, CCO divider with* the odd number for CCLK is no longer allowed. Update PLL setting* example accordingly.* (2) LPC23xx.h Header file update to be consistent with User Manual. * (3) Due to the clock change in the library, from 57.6Mhz to 48Mhz,* CAN bit timing needs to be changed as well. All the timing related* modules including timer, UART, SDRAM, SSP, SPI are retested.* (4) Included latest Keil USB Video Class Driver example. The example* has passed USBCV UVC compliance test. * * *******************************************************************************//*****************************************************************************/Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only which provides customers with programming information regarding the products.This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification./*****************************************************************************/The Description of the Example software===================This example demonstrates the use of build-in peripherals on the NXPLPC23xx/LPC24xx family microcontrollers.The Example software includes, common library, peripheral APIs, and test modulesfor the APIs. The common library include startup file, standard definition andheader files, processor specific setup module, generic interrupt related APIs, timer routine. The peripheral directories include, ADC, DAC, DMA, GPIO, PWM, Real-time clock, timer, SPI, SSP, MCI, I2C, Watchdog timer, UART, external interrupt, CAN, Ethernet, USB Audio, USB HID, external memory controller, etc.The development environment is Keil's, an ARM company now, uVision 3.xand ULINK ICE. The target boards are Keil's MCB2300 with a NXP's LPC23xx MCU on it and Embedded Artists's LPC2400 OEM base board.The project is created for both target option "MCB2300" and "MCB2300 Debug". For "MCB2300", the image code can be programmed into the flash and executed;for "MCB2300 Debug", the image code can be loaded into internal SRAM(IRAM)for easy debugging. The "RAM.ini" in each directory is a Keil uVision debuggerscript file, once the debugger starts, the code will be loaded to the IRAMfirst, then, "RAM.ini" will be executed and reset program counter(PC) to 0x40000000(IRAM starting address) that code will be executed from.Some external components, such as I2C temperature, SPI serial EEPROM, will be required to add on the board in order to complete the test below. For EmbeddedArtists's LPC2400 OEM base board, external SDRAM from Samsung's K4S561632,external NAND flash from Samsung's K9F1G08 and external NOR flash from ST's SST39LF160 are used for EMC testing. Some QVGA LCD software example from Embedded Artists is also included.By default, the test program is for Keil MCB2300 board. Be aware that, in order to test Embedded Artists' LPC2400 board, such as EA_LCD, EXTMEM including SDRAM, ext. flash, ext. NAND flash, in target.h, the board definition needs to be changed.The directory tree and content of the sample software===================common -- inc-- lpc23xx.hDefinition file of all the registers of LPC23xxThe LPC24xx register definition is also included. -- irq.hInterrupt related definitions and API prototyping-- type.hType definition-- target.hTarget specific definition for Keil's MCB2300 board-- timer.hDefinition and header file for timer module -- src-- startup.sCode start up entry-- swi_handler.sSWI handlerNote: not used, but a good example for future references. -- irq.cGeneric SWI interrupt handler related APIs -- target.cTarget specific modules-- timer.cTimer related APIsGPIO -- fio.hGPIO and fast I/O header -- fio.cGPIO and fast I/O APIs -- fiotest.cGPIO and Fast I/O test module -- fio.uv2uVision project fileEXTINT -- extint.hExternal interrupt header -- extint.cExternal interrupt APIs -- einttest.cExternal interrupt test module -- extint.uv2uVision project fileTimer -- tmrtest.cTimer test module, note: API modulesare in the COMMON directory and shared and used by some other peripheral testing. -- timer.uv2uVision project filePWM -- pwmc.hPWM header -- pwm.cPWM APIs -- pwmtest.cPWM test module -- pwm.uv2uVision project fileSPI -- spi.hSPI header -- spi.cSPI APIs -- spitest.cSPI test module -- spi.uv2uVision project fileSSP -- ssp.hSSP(SPI1) header -- ssp.cSSP(SPI1) APIs -- dma.hSSP DMA header -- dma.cSSP DMA APIs -- ssptest.cSSP(SPI1) test module -- ssp.uv2uVision project fileUART -- uart.hUART header -- uart.cUART APIs -- uarttest.cUART test module -- uart.uv2uVision project fileRTC -- rtc.hReal-time clock(RTC) header -- rtc.cReal-time clock(RTC) APIs -- rtctest.cReal-time clock(RTC) test module -- rtc.uv2uVision project fileMCI -- mci.hMCI header -- mci.cMCI APIs for both SD and MMC card interface -- dma.hMCI DMA header -- dma.cMCI DMA APIs. -- mcitest.cMCI test module -- mci.uv2uVision project fileADC -- adc.hADC header -- adc.cADC APIs -- adctest.cADC controller test module -- adc.uv2uVision project fileDAC -- dac.hDAC header -- dac.cDAC APIs -- dactest.cDAC test module -- dac.uv2uVision project fileI2C -- i2c.hI2C header -- i2c.cI2C APIs -- i2cmst.cI2C test module -- i2cmst.uv2uVision project fileI2S -- i2s.hI2S header -- i2s.cI2S APIs -- dma.cI2S DMA APIs -- dma.hI2S DMA header -- i2stest.cI2S test module -- i2s.uv2uVision project fileCAN -- can.hCAN header -- can.cCAN APIs -- cantest.cCAN test module -- can.uv2uVision project fileDMA -- dma.hDMA header -- dma.cGPDMA APIs, memory to memory only.Note: memory to peripheral or peripheralto memory are in SSP, MCI, and I2S directories. -- dmatest.cDMA test module -- dma.uv2uVision project fileWDT -- wdt.hWatchdog timer header -- wdt.cWatchdog timer APIs -- wdttest.cWatchdog timer test module -- wdt.uv2uVision project filePWRMAN -- pwrman.hPower management header -- pwrman.cPower management APIs -- pmtest.cPower management test module,test powerdown and external interrupt wakeup. -- pwrman.uv2uVision project filePortLCD -- portlcd.h4-bit port to LCD driver header for Keil MCB2300 -- portlcd.c4-bit port to LCD driver APIs -- lcdtest.c4-bit port to LCD test module -- portlcd.uv2uVision project fileEMAC -- crc32.hCRC calculation header -- crc32.cCRC calculation APIs -- emac.hEMAC header -- emac.cEMAC APIs, options include transmit only(TX_ONLY);receive packet, switch source and destinationand transmit(BOUNCE_RX), WOL, etc. -- emactest.cEMAC test module -- emac.uv2uVision project file -- ethpkt.txtEthernet packet example for transmitUSBDEV -- hid.hUSB HID related header -- hiduser.hUSB HID user specific header -- hiduser.cUSB HID user APIs -- usb.hUSB header -- usbcfg.hUSB configuration header -- usbcore.hUSB Core header -- usbcore.cUSB Core APIs -- usbdesc.hUSB descriptor header -- usbdesc.cUSB descriptor APIs -- usbhw.hUSB hardware header -- usbhw.cUSB hardware APIs -- usbreg.hUSB misc. register header -- usbuser.hUSB user header -- useuser.cUSB user APIs -- usbmain.cUSB HID test module, power management, USB suspend to powerdown, and resume to USBwakeup. -- usbdev.uv2uVision project fileUSBAudio -- audio.hUSB Audio related header -- adcuser.hUSB Audio Device Class user specific header -- adcuser.cUSB Audio Device Class user APIs -- usb.hUSB header -- usbaudio.hUSB Audio misc. definition header -- usbcfg.hUSB configuration header -- usbcore.hUSB Core header -- usbcore.cUSB Core APIs -- usbdesc.hUSB descriptor header -- usbdesc.cUSB descriptor APIs -- usbhw.hUSB hardware header -- usbhw.cUSB hardware APIs -- usbreg.hUSB misc. register header -- usbuser.hUSB user header -- useuser.cUSB user APIs -- usbmain.cUSB Audio test module -- usbaudio.uv2uVision project fileEXTMEM ( LPC24xx only, tested on Embedded Artists LPC24xx OEM board) -- NOR_Flash-- ex_norflash.hNOR flash configuration header for Embedded Artists LPC2400 OEM board-- ex_norflash.cNOR flash configuration and access APIs -- norflash_test.cNOR flash test module-- ex_norflash.uv2uVision project file -- NAND_Flash-- ex_nandflash.hNAND flash configuration header for Embedded Artists LPC2400 OEM board-- ex_nandflash.cNAND flash configuration and access APIs -- nandflash_test.cNAND flash test module-- ex_nandflash.uv2uVision project file -- SDRAM-- ex_sdram.hSDRAM configuration header for Embedded Artists LPC2400 OEM board-- ex_sdram.cSDRAM configuration and access APIs-- uart.hUART debugging header file for stand-alone SDRAM test-- uart.cUART debugging file for stand-alone SDRAM test -- sdram_test.cSDRAM test module-- ex_sdram.uv2uVision project fileEA_LCD (Embedded Artists QVGA LCD controller OEM board ) -- lcd_hw.h16-bit port to LCD controller driver header for Embedded ArtistsLPC2400 OEM base board -- lcd_hw.c16-bit port to LCD controller driver APIs -- lcd_grph.cGraphic related APIs such as drawing an object such as a line,a circle, etc. -- lcd_grph.hHeader file to support lcd_graph.c -- font5x7.ca 5x7 font for letters and numbers, etc. -- font5x7.hfont related header -- font_macro.hfont macro -- ealcd_test.c16-bit port to LCD controller test module -- ea_lcd.uv2uVision project fileUSBHost -- usbhost.hUSB host header -- usbhost.cUSB host APIs -- hcdtest.cUSB host test module,USB host initialization only, no queue setup and enumeration yet. -- usbhost.uv2uVision project fileUSBUVC -- lpc2300.sStartup file for USBUVC project.(This stand-alone project doesn't use any of the library files under the common directory.) -- uvc.hUSB Video related header -- uvcuser.hUSB Video Device Class user specific header -- uvcuser.cUSB Video Device Class user APIs -- usb.hUSB header -- usbcfg.hUSB configuration header -- usbcore.hUSB Core header -- usbcore.cUSB Core APIs -- usbdesc.hUSB descriptor header -- usbdesc.cUSB descriptor APIs -- usbhw.hUSB hardware header -- usbhw.cUSB hardware APIs -- usbreg.hUSB misc. register header -- usbuser.hUSB user header -- usbuser.cUSB user APIs -- type.hLocal type definition header -- lcd.hdisplay support module header -- lcd.cDisplay support module -- uvcdemo.cUSB UVC test module -- uvc.uv2uVision project file -- debug.iniDebug configuration setting……
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