中断系统、中断优先级、中断嵌套、中断处理等与中断相关的寄存器,对与设计编写许多实时系统、工业控制、精密测量等系统是非常重要的,但是在STM32的手册中,目前国内与STM32相关的书中,以及我手上ST公司培训的PPT资料中基本上就没有这方面的详细说明和解释。 ST公司可能认为,使用STM32的人都已经是非常了解和熟悉 ARM 或 ARM Cortex-M3的高手了,所以在它的手册中就给出下面短短的一段: 9.1 Nested vectored interrupt controller (NVIC) Features ● 68 maskable interrupt channels (not including the 16 interrupt lines of Cortex-M3) ● 16 programmable priority levels (4 bits of interrupt priority are used) ● Low-latency exception and interrupt handling ● Power management control ● Implementation of System Control Registers The NVIC and the processor core interface are closely coupled, which enables low latency interrupt processing and efficient processing of late arriving interrupts. All interrupts including the core exceptions are managed by the NVIC. For more information on exceptions and NVIC programming see Chap 5 Exceptions Chap 8 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller of the ARM Cortex-M3 Technical Reference Manual. 没办法,自己找相关的资料学习吧。下面是根据资料,整理的东西……