摘要: CMOS源的追随者不容易电路设计,但仔细分析,并考虑在BSIM模型源电阻,设计人员可以实现更精确的结果,以达到更好的匹配低噪声放大器的设计。Maxim > App Notes > COMMUNICATIONS CIRCUITS
Keywords: Source Resistance, CMOS, Source-Follower, Source-Follower gain, BJT, bipolar junction transistor, Jun 27, 2008
common drain amplifier, small-signal model, calculating source resistance, intrinisic gm', low-noise amplifier
CMOS Source Resistance and Its Effects on Source-Follower Gain
By: John Robinson
Abstract: CMOS source followers are not easy circuits to design, but by careful analysis and by taking source
resistance into account in the BSIM models, designers can achieve more accurate results to achieve better
matching in the design of low-noise amplifiers.
The CMOS source follower is a difficult device to design using a CMOS device, because the transconductance of a
CMOS device is low co……