【应用笔记】HardCopy器件最佳设计实践(Best Design Practices for HardCopy Devices)
本应用笔记描述了几个好的设计实践例子,在FPGA设计阶段迁移到HardCopy ASIC器件时,这些常常被忽略。
This application note describes several good design practices that are commonly
missed during the FPGA design phase when migrating a design to a HardCopy®
ASIC device. The information in this application note will help you avoid these
common design pitfalls and ensure that your system continues to perform well with a
HardCopy device. Best Design Practices for
HardCopy Devices
AN-658-1.0 Application Note
This application note describes several good design practices that are commonly
missed during the FPGA design phase when migrating a design to a HardCopy
ASIC device. The information in this application note will help you avoid these
common design pit……