【应用笔记】AN519:Stratix IV设计指南(AN 519: Stratix IV Design Guidelines)
Altera的Stratix IV FPGA对高端应用而言,在系统带宽和电源效率方面实现一个突破,允许设计师们不折不扣地进行创新设计。
Altera® Stratix® IV FPGAs deliver a breakthrough level of system bandwidth and
power efficiency for high-end applications, allowing designers to innovate without
compromise. AN 519: Stratix IV Design Guidelines
May 2009 AN-519-1.1
Altera Stratix IV FPGAs deliver a breakthrough level of system bandwidth and
power efficiency for high-end applications, allowing designers to innovate without
It is important to follow Altera recommendations throughout the design process for
high-density, high-performance Stratix IV designs. Planning the FPGA and system
early in the design process is crucial to your success. This document prov……