【应用笔记】使用样例驱动在硬件上测试DDR SDRAM接口(Test DDR SDRAM Interfaces on Hardware Using the Example Driver)
本应用笔记描述了如何在Altera开发板使用AlteraDDR SDRAM控制器MegaCore功能模块产生的样例驱动,来测试DDR SDRAM接口。
This application note describes how to test DDR SDRAM interfaces on
Altera® development boards using the Altera DDR SDRAM Controller
MegaCore® function-generated example driver. The example driver—a
stand-alone synthesizable circuit—demonstrates the DDR SDRAM
interface. You can use these instructions to quickly build a DDR SDRAM
interface on one of the Altera boards and see it working; or use the same
principles to establish whether the DDR SDRAM interface on your board
is working as expected, independently of any other circuit. Test DDR SDRAM Interfaces
on Hardware
Using the Example Driver
January 2006 ver 1.1 Application Note 380
Introduction This application note describes how to test DDR SDRAM interfaces on
Altera development boards using the Altera DDR SDRAM Controller
MegaCore function-generated example driver. The example driver―a
stand-alone synthesizable circuit―demonstrates the DDR SDRAM
interface. You can use these instructions to quickly build a DDR SDRAM