独立的电力供应电子行业以来已经存在。电源设计以跟上提高的效率和功率密度要求发生变化时,孤立的反馈是维持安全的关键。Maxim > App Notes > BATTERY MANAGEMENT POWER-SUPPLY CIRCUITS
Keywords: Feedback Isolation Augments Power-Supply Safety and Performance Jan 22, 2001
Feedback Isolation Augments Power-Supply Safety and Performance
Isolated power supplies have been around since the beginning of the electronics industry. As power-supply
designs change to keep pace with increased efficiency and power-density demands, isolated feedback is crucial
to maintaining safety.
Isolated power supplies not only protect users from potentially lethal voltages and currents, but they also
provide performance benefits. Isolated supplies preserve instrument accuracy by interrupting ground loops, and
they easily provide positive regulated voltages from a negative power bus w……