【应用手册】Debugging with System Console Over TCP/IP
This application note describes software that supports debugging your custom SOPC
Builder component with the Altera® System Console over a TCP/IP communication
channel. The application note provides a software application that reads System
Console commands from a TCP/IP socket and converts them from the Avalon
Streaming (Avalon-ST) packet protocol format in which they arrive at the FPGA, to
the appropriate Avalon Memory-Mapped (Avalon-MM) commands. It can pass those
commands to any Avalon-MM slave component in the SOPC Builder system that is
connected to the Nios II processor data master port. The software application converts
the Avalon-MM responses to the Avalon-ST packet protocol format and passes them
back through the TCP/IP communication channel.
You can use this design example as a basis for testing your own custom SOPC Builder
component using the System Console over a TCP/IP connection, by replacing the
component under test in the design example with your own custom component. The
only requirement is that the designated SOPC Builder component have an
Avalon-MM slave port connected to the Nios II processor data master port. Debugging with System Console Over
AN624-1.0 Application Note
This application note describes software that supports debugging your custom SOPC
Builder component with the Altera System Console over a TCP/IP communication
channel. The application note provides a software application that reads System
Console commands from a TCP/IP socket and converts them from ……