原创 [博客大赛]PMT能谱测试报告

2013-12-1 19:13 2373 18 24 分类: FPGA/CPLD 文集: PET

Analysis of Energy Integration

·         Purpose:  We have developed three different ADC daughter boards using Linear, Maxim, and Analog device ADCs.  Among them the Analog ADC daughter board was found to be best performing.  Here we carry out several experiments to find optimal parameters for the energy-integration logic.

·         Experimental Conditions:  Analog ADC daughter board, single-pixel crystal

·         Result:

1.       Sampling in ADC:  We have outputted samples by ADC, so we can understand the relation between trigger and peak and the amplitude of shaped signal in ADC.  For this, we collected total 100 samples before and after a trigger per shaped signal.  Fig. 1 shows multiple shaped signals obtained this way.  The time interval between samples is 10ns, ADC sampling clock.


Fig. 1: Multiple shaped signals in ADC


2.       Shaped pulse in ADC:  Typical shaped pulse in ADC is shown in Fig. 2.  Its shape is consistent with the signal output from FEE, which implies that there is no signal distortion by ADC.  20130102122121234002.png

Fig. 2: Typical shaped pulse in ADC.


3.       Energy spectrum with nine-sample integration: By observing pulse samples, we have chosen nine samples around the peak so that the sum of each pulse gives a maximal value.  An example of energy spectrum acquired this way is shown in Fig. 3.


Fig. 3: An example of energy spectrum with nine-sample integration


Since we are going to use 9-bit energy, we need to rescale the energy by shifting 4 bits to the right in this case.  The new energy spectrum obtained by shifting is shown in Fig. 4.


Fig. 4: Rescaled energy spectrum.  It shows a high energy resolution (8%). Compared to the previous result from PPU (~10%), the energy resolution is much improved. It is most probably due to the new shaping unit and the new ADC daughter board with 10-bit resolution.  The peak-to-valley ratio is high (11) as well, compared to the previous result.



4.       Energy spectrum with 16-sample integration:  Since the new electronics is designed to handle high counting rates and the pulse width is about 200ns,  it is desirable to use more samples for energy integration.  For this, we have chosen 16 samples for energy integration.  The result is shown in Fig. 5 and its rescaled plot is shown in Fig. 6.


Fig. 5: Energy spectrum with 16-sample integration



Fig. 6: Rescaled energy spectrum of the result in Fig. 5. As. expected, the energy resolution and the peak-to-valley ratio are further improved to 7.6% and 13, respectively.


End of Document




coyoo 2013-1-9 09:30


用户1431660 2013-1-8 20:43


coyoo 2013-1-8 16:13


用户1431660 2013-1-8 14:45


coyoo 2013-1-4 12:18


coyoo 2013-1-4 12:13

图1:表示ADC的100个采样值重建的结果,可以看到有多个脉冲。 图2:是截取图1中某一个脉冲放大以后所看到的局部,即某个脉冲的波形。 后面几幅图是针对图2所示的脉冲信号进行积分得到能量,对大量的这些脉冲的能量进行“直方图”plot得到后面几幅图所示的能谱图。

用户1280534 2006-12-15 17:01


用户1053025 2006-12-4 10:06

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