AT91SAM9261 revision B (AT91SAM9261B) DataFlash and Serial Flash Boot ROM limitation |
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AT91SAM9261 revision B (AT91SAM9261B) DataFlash / Serial FLash Boot ROM limitation |
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On the AT91SAM9261 Boot ROM, the DataFlash or Serial Flash downloadable code size is supposed to be smaller than 156Kbytes. But for the AT91SAM9261 revision B, there is a limitation: the maximum downloadable code size is 64Kbytes. Workaround: A) Reduce first level bootloader code to 64kBytes to boot on a second level bootloader code if needed. B) If not possible, use another memory for booting purpose such as NandFlash, serial EEPROM or a SDCard which do not have this limitation. That limitation does not affect other memories or existing AT91SAM9 products. |