原创 【TI博客大赛】【原创】500W微网逆变器系统设计

2012-6-13 23:22 3377 17 22 分类: 电源/新能源




本文在充分分析近年来光伏发电领域重要研究成果的基础上,设计了一套三相光伏发电并网系统,对系统的拓扑结构、控制电路给出了详细的设计要点。以DSP TMS320F2812为控制核心,实现了电路保护、数据采集、参数设置等功能,为各种光伏并网控制算法提供了灵活可靠的硬件平台。在软件方面介绍了SPWM的控制算法,在分析现有最大功率跟踪(MPPT)方法的基础上,对现有方法进行了改进,把模糊控制引入到最大功率跟踪中,并给出了模糊控制规则库另外分析了并网中存在的孤岛效应问题,并改进了现有解决方法。

[关键词] 太阳能;光伏并网;最大功率跟踪(MPPT);DSP;孤岛效应


Abstract : In the 20th century,the world’s energy structure,the use of human energy is mainly oil,natural gas and coal,and other one-time energy.Along with the economic development,population growth and social improvement of living standards,energy consumption growth,the world’s energy crisis has already emerged,Countries all over the world to actively seek a sustainable development of new and clean energy.The highly efficient solar energy as a clean and sustainable development of new energy sources,particularly wide attention.And the use of photovoltaic solar energy will be the main form of solar photovoltaic systems and network hardware design,control algorithms,system simulation,carried out in-depth exploration.

   This paper studies in recent years in the full field of photovoltaic generating important research results on the basis of a three-phase design of photovoltaic power generation system and network,the topology of the system design,contol circuit design is given a detailed design features.DSPTM320F2812 for the control of the core to core to achieve the current protection,data acquisition,parameter setting,and other functions,and for various photovoltaic network control algorithm provides a flexible and reliable hardware platform.In the software control on the space vector PWM control algorithm,in the analysis of existing maximum power point tracking(MPPT) method is presented based on the use of fuzzy control of the maximum power point tracking,and gives the fuzzy control rules.And the other of the island in the net effect of the problem,and presents a solution.

Key wordsSolar;Photo votage grid connected;MPPT;DSP;Islanding effect






ff111111 2012-8-4 13:28


Alwin 2012-8-4 11:48

原文在很多网站发表过了,不知道是不是楼主本人?求解? 1.500W微网逆变器系统设计 - OFweek太阳能光伏网。 2.500W微网逆变器系统设计-电子元件技术网。

ff111111 2012-7-30 18:37


用户419124 2012-7-19 01:28

不解释了 睡个http://solar.ofweek.com/2012-03/ART-8300-2600-28600339_3.html

用户377235 2012-6-16 08:30

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