I just learned about a rather interesting university research story that improved upon the FRAM technology used in the MSP430 Wolverine platform fr ...
I just learned a whole bunch of new "stuff" that's why I'm currently as happy as... well, something that's very happy. It all came about when, a we ...
Arrgggh! My wife ( Gina the Gorgeous ) just got herself a new PC that comes with the Windows 8 OS. I tried to wrap my brain around it and now my he ...
Arrgggh! My wife ( Gina the Gorgeous ) just purchased a new PC that comes with the Windows 8 operating system. I tried to wrap my brain around it a ...
This is might come out a tad cynical, but we continue to marvel at how much texting young people seem to do these days. It's almost like they are o ...
I'm sad to admit that the older I become, the more disillusioned I get. For example, you wouldn't believe how many calls I receive asking me to con ...