13_Taming Oscillations—the capacitive load problem
Taming Oscillations—the capacitive load problem
Bruce Trump
We’ve been looking at stability of op amps, considering how phase shift (or
call it delay) in the feedback path can cause problems. Picking up from
last week, stability with a capacitive load is a tricky case. If you’re
joining us late, you may want to first read the previous two blogs, Why
Oscillations and Taming Oscillations.
The trouble maker, open-loop output resistance (Ro) of the op amp, is not
actually a resistor inside the op amp. It’s an equivalent resistance
dependent on the internal circuitry of the op amp. There’s no chance to
change it without changing the op amp. CL is the load capacitance. If you
want to drive a certain CL, you are stuck with the pole created by Ro and
CL. A ……