LT1800、LT1801和LT1802为高速、低电压信号实现了低功耗解决方案。轨至轨输入输出增加了动态范围,通过取消负电压简化了设计。需要源阻抗1K或更大的电路如滤滤器等将从低输入偏压和偏流中获得益处。速度、低功耗和DC准确性使LT1800成为低电压信号的首选。 advertisement
Fast and Accurate 80MHz Amplifier Draws Only 2mA
Design Note 286
Glen Brisebois, William Jett, Dahn Tran
Introduction the only place it can come from is through the laser. The
The 80MHz LT1800 amplifier provides the high speed overall circuit is thus a V-to-I converter with a 1A/V
and DC accuracy required by low voltage signal condition- characteristic.
ing and data acquisition systems while consuming a mere Lower values for R1 may be selected but the designer is
2mA max supply current. The LT1800 operates with reminded to keep series……