Linear公司提供了很多USB供电转换器,但LTC3445代表了迄今为止最高水平的功能。LTC3455可以无缝地管理AC适配器、USB电缆和锂离子电池供电,完成兼容USB电源标准。 advertisement
Simple, Efficient, All-in-One USB Power Management IC Solution
Design Note 1008
John Shannon
Introduction a relatively straightforward buck converter function. Each
Linear Technology offers a variety of devices that simplify of the DC/DC converters takes as its input a voltage called
converting power from a USB cable, but the LTC3455 VMAX, which is derived from one of the three available
represents the highest level of functional integration yet power sources (explained below) and converts it to the
achieved. The LTC3455 seamlessly manages power flow desired output voltage. The DC/DC converters provided……