LTC3526是一款高集成度的升压DC/DC转换器, mm × 2mm封装使其就在于电池供电应用中。低启动电压和工作电压延长了单电池应用的工作时间。当采用新电池时,其电压可能超过VOUT值,则LTC3526甚至会实现降压式工作,在高效、轻负载和低噪声工作时,LTC3526提供了突发模式或固定频率工作模式。Tiny Synchronous Step-Up Converter Starts Up at 700mV
Design Note 428
Dave Salerno
Introduction a typical startup voltage of just 700mV, with operation
Alkaline batteries are convenient because they’re easy to down to 400mV once started. Despite the LTC3526L’s
nd and relatively inexpensive, making them the power tiny solution size, it includes many advanced features,
source of choice for portable instruments and devices including output disconnect, short circuit protection, low
used for outdoor recreation. Their long shelf life also noise xed frequency operation, internal compensation,
makes them an excellent choice for emergency equipm……