本手册介绍用于电子计量STARplug的1.03版本的演示板。 UM10369
STARplug Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) for
Rev. 01 ― 11 February 2011 User manual
Document information
Info Content
Keywords STARplug, TEA1522, flyback, e-metering
Abstract The STARplug Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) for e-metering
application implements a power supply that can be used in combination
with all electricity utility networks worldwide i.e. single phase, two or three
phase (assuming 120 phase angle) 100 V, 110 V, 120 V, 220 V, 230 V and
240 V (AC) 20 % for each individual phase.
This manual describes the STARplug e-metering SMP……