LabNotebook feature extends the documentation capabilities of your scope to a higher level. It allows you to create an anno-tated notebook entry containing all displayed waveforms, the setup of the oscilloscope, and user supplied annotation. The notebook entry can then be con-verted to hardcopy format (pdf, rtf, or html) and printed or e-mailed. A P P L I C A T I O N B R I E F
This Interactive Notebook Is the Ultimate in Documentation
LabNotebook feature extends
the documentation capabilities of
your scope to a higher level. It
allows you to create an anno-
tated notebook entry containing
all displayed waveforms, the
setup of the oscilloscope, and
user supplied annotation. The
notebook entry can then be con-
verted to hardcopy format (pdf,
rtf, or html) and printed or e-
mailed. You can also use the de-
fault report layout or configure
your own, and even substitute
your own company logo in the
header. Figu……