Using Jitter And Timing Functions To Analyze PM signals LeCroy Applications Brief No. L.A.B. WM407
Modulation Analysis - PM
Using Jitter And Timing Functions To Analyze PM signals
The Jitter and Timing Analysis
(JTA2) option functions of the
WaveMaster are ideal for ex-
tracting the modulating wave-
form from a phase modulated
(PM) signal as well as the peak
phase deviation. This type of
analysis can be useful in the
analysis of communications
systems employing continuous
phase modulation as well as
those using phase shift keying
for transmitting digital data.
The analysis of a 10 Mhz PM
signal with a 20 kHz sinewave
modulation and 3.2 radian de-
Figure 1 Analysis of a PM signal using the track of time interval error
viation is shown in figure 1. The ……