Use Track And Timing Functions To Analyze PWM Signals.LeCroy Applications Brief No. LAB_WM421
Modulation Analysis - PWM
Use Track And Timing Functions To Analyze PWM Signals
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
is commonly used in power sup-
plies and industrial control sys-
tems. It has the advantage of ef-
ficiently driving switched mode
devices at a fixed frequency.
LeCroy’s Jitter and Timing
Analysis 2 (JTA2) analysis op-
tion contains a number of func-
tions and parameters to extract
the underlying modulation sig-
nal, making it possible to assess
correct tracking and linearity in
PWM regulators/controllers.
The top trace in Figure 1 (Ch2)
contains 50 ms of an acquired
PWM waveform. Trace F3 is
the Track function of the Figure 1 Analyzing a PWM waveform using the track of the
width@level p……