Securing Your Scope and Network Against Virus Threats
Oscilloscopes that run Windows operating systems should be protected from malware just like any other PC. Users are strongly advised to use anti-virus software and to install OS patches. LeCroy is dedicated to ensuring that our products are shipped virus-free.Safe Scoping Application Brief 1016B
Securing Your Scope & Network Against Threats
February 2009 Using a commonly available computer operating system such as Microsoft
Windows on a LeCroy oscilloscope offers a multitude of advantages, such
as the ability to link third party software into the scope operations and to
Oscilloscopes that run connect a wide variety of hardware to the scope. The downside of using a
Windows operating systems common operating system is the threat of malware. LeCroy strongly
should be protected from encourages all users to minimize the risks that malware presents by using
malware just like any other antivirus software on their o……