Jitter is a variation in a waveform's timing. The timing variation of the period, duty cycle, frequency, etc. can be measured and compared to an average of multiple periods, or can be measured as a variation from one period to the next. The Accuracy of Jitter Measurements
Jitter is a variation in a waveform’s timing. The timing variation of the period, duty cycle, frequency,
etc. can be measured and compared to an average of multiple periods, or can be measured as a
variation from one period to the next. A jitter measurement result will typically consist of a count of
the number of periods evaluated over the selected time interval, a measurement of the highest value
of jitter over that time interval, and a measurement of the standard deviation of all the jitter values
over the selected time interval. In addition, various views, such as histograms, time vs. time plots,
and frequency analysis of jitter, are utilized to aid in the understanding and troubleshooting of jitter.
Jitter varies randomly, or deterministically with……