I2C总线技术概述Small Area Network Specialists
PO Box 275 / 17 Model Ave., Hopewell, NJ 08525 USA Tel: +1(609) 466-1751 Fax: +1(609) 466-4116 Web: www.mcc-us.com
I2C Bus Technical Overview
The I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) Bus is a two-wire, low to medium speed, communication bus (a path for electronic signals) developed by Philips Semiconductors in the early 1980s. I2C was created to reduce the manufacturing costs of electronic products. It provides a low-cost, but powerful, chip-to-chip communication link within these products. Initial applications for I2C included volume and contrast control in radios and televisions. Over the past decade, I2C has expanded its communications role to include a wide range of applications. Today, I2C can be found in a wide variety of electronic applications, with almost……