DEVELOPMENT=========== This driver has been developed on AVR Studio 4.12 and WinAVR 20060421. Create new GCC project named "cdctiny" or "cdcmega" under "avrcdc/" without creating initial file. Select each Makefile at "Configuration Options". The code size of AVR-CDC is 2.8KB, and 128B RAM is required at least. Fuses RSTDISBL = 1 (ATtiny) WDTON = 1 BODLEVEL = 101 CKSEL = 1110 SUT = 11 Disabling Reset pin requires the High Voltage Serial Programming at ATtiny.USING AVR-CDC FOR FREE====================== The AVR-CDC is published under an Open Source compliant license. See the file "License.txt" for details. You may use this driver in a form as it is. However, if you want to distribute a system with your vendor name, modify these files and recompile them; 1. Vendor String in usbconfig.h 2. COMPANY and MFGNAME strings in avrcdc.inf ……