【应用手册】AN 549: Managing Designs with Multiple FPGAs
Managing designs that incorporate multiple FPGAs raises new challenges that are
unique compared to designs using only one FPGA. There are several methods for
managing multiple FPGAs in a single design, each of which has its pros and cons. One
option is to create a master design, partition it into subsections, and assign one or two
engineers per subsection. The challenge is not only how to account for signals that
cross subsection boundaries, but also how to put the master design back together once
the subsections are complete. Another option is to work from the bottom up, handling
each section as a separate design, and then, as with the first option, magically put the
sections back together to form the master design. The problems with the second
option are the same as with the first option except that the second option doesn’t give
the team the ability to examine the entire design at once. A third option is to give the
master design to every team member and establish processes that mitigate the effects
of inter-sectional changes. For example, when one designer makes changes that might
affect another section of the design that a second designer is working on (where the
change might not show up in his work space), a means of communicating these
changes must be established among the design team. As you can guess, the challenge
with this method is dependent on how rigorously the processes are being adhered to
among team members so that when the master design is fully assembled, the team is
able to converge on a solution with minimal rework.
This application note describes a split-and-merge method using the 7Circuits product
from Taray that enables easier multiple FPGA design management. This approach
helps mitigate the challenges previously described and can help ensure final design
success. AN 549: Managing Designs with Multiple
October 2008 AN-549-1.0
Managing designs that incorporate multiple FPGAs raises new challenges that are
unique compared to designs using only one FPGA. There are several methods for
managing multiple FPGAs in a single design, each of which has its pros and cons. One
option is to create a master design, partition it into subsections, and assign one or two
engineers per subsection. The c……