Abstract: Flash analog-to-digital converters, also known as parallel ADCs, are the fastest way to convert an analog signal to a digital signal. Flash ADCs are ideal for applications requiring very large bandwidth, but they consume more power than other ADC architectures and are generally limited to 8-bit resolution. This tutorial will discuss flash converters and compare them with other converter types. Understanding Flash ADCs
Sep 16, 2010
Abstract: Flash analog-to-digital converters, also known as parallel ADCs, are the fastest way to convert an analog signal to a
digital signal. Flash ADCs are ideal for applications requiring very large bandwidth, but they consume more power than other ADC
architectures and are generally limited to 8-bit resolution. This tutorial will discuss flash converters and compare them with other
converter types.
Flash analog-to-digital converters, also known asparallelADCs, are the fastest way to convert an analog signal to a digital
signal.Flash ADCsare suitable for applications requiring very large bandwidths. However, these converters consume considerable
power, have relatively low resolution, and can be quite expensive. This limits them to h……