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用户1589850 2011-7-18 09:24
Smart Instruments Increase LED Production Test Throughput In the past, a PC often controlled all aspects of the test in many LED production t ...
用户1589850 2011-7-15 09:22
生产环境下高亮度LED的高精度高性价比测试—— LED的漏电流测试
Leakage Current Tests Normally, moderate voltage levels (volts to tens of volts) are used to measure a leakage current (I L ). The leakage c ...
用户1589850 2011-7-15 09:19
生产环境下高亮度LED的高精度高性价比测试—— LED的漏电流测试
Leakage Current Tests Normally, moderate voltage levels (volts to tens of volts) are used to measure a leakage current (I L ). The leakage c ...
用户1589850 2011-7-14 17:12
Optical Tests Forward current biasing is also used for optical tests because electrical current flow is closely related to the amount of ligh ...
用户1589850 2011-7-14 17:01
Optical Tests Forward current biasing is also used for optical tests because electrical current flow is closely related to the amount of ligh ...
用户1589850 2011-7-13 09:25
Many tests require sourcing a known current and measuring a voltage; others require sourcing a voltage and measuring the resulting current. Therefo ...
用户1589850 2011-7-13 09:23
Many tests require sourcing a known current and measuring a voltage; others require sourcing a voltage and measuring the resulting current. Therefo ...
用户1589850 2011-7-12 09:57
Visible light emitting diodes (LEDs) combine high efficiency and long lifetimes. Today, they’re used in a wide range of applications. Extensive R ...
用户1589850 2011-7-12 09:54
Visible light emitting diodes (LEDs) combine high efficiency and long lifetimes. Today, they’re used in a wide range of applications. Extensive R ...
用户1589850 2011-7-8 07:40
在标准R负载测量技术中(如图5所示),一个电阻与DUT串联,通过测量负载电阻上的电压就可以测出流过DUT的电流。采用有源、高阻抗探针和示波器 记录负载电阻 ...
用户1589850 2011-7-8 07:06
在标准R负载测量技术中(如图5所示),一个电阻与DUT串联,通过测量负载电阻上的电压就可以测出流过DUT的电流。采用有源、高阻抗探针和示波器 记录负载电阻 ...
用户1589850 2011-7-7 14:31
开发新的PCM材料 并优化器件设计的能力在很大程度上取决于制造商对几个参数进行特征分析的能力: 再结晶速率 ——目前的再结晶速率为几十纳秒的量级, ...
用户1589850 2011-7-7 14:24
开发新的PCM材料 并优化器件设计的能力在很大程度上取决于制造商对几个参数进行特征分析的能力: 再结晶速率 ——目前的再结晶速率为几十纳秒的量级, ...
用户1589850 2011-7-6 09:57
我们必须仔细选择所用RESET和SET脉冲的电压和电流大小 ,以产生所需的熔化和再结晶过程。RESET脉冲 应该将温度上升到恰好高于熔点,然后使材料迅速冷却形成非 ...
用户1589850 2011-7-6 09:53
我们必须仔细选择所用RESET和SET脉冲的电压和电流大小 ,以产生所需的熔化和再结晶过程。RESET脉冲 应该将温度上升到恰好高于熔点,然后使材料迅速冷却形成非 ...
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