Taking Advantage of WaveSurfer's Operating System LeCroy Application Brief No. LAB WS819
Sharing Programs and Data
Taking Advantage of WaveSurfer's Operating System
A major advantage of an oscillo-
scope based on a Windows operat-
ing system is that it simplifies report
generation. Instead of having to
move oscilloscope screen images
and waveform data from the scope
to an external PC it is possible to
run your word processor and
spreadsheet on the oscilloscope.
The test report shown in Figure 1
was written using a word proces-
sor (WordPad) running on a Wave-
Surfer oscilloscope. The oscillo-
scope hardcopy set up allows the
screen image to be transferred to the
word processor via the Windows
clipboard. The user can change the
active program between the scope
and the word processo……