Measuring wideband signals such as PCI Express, Serial ATA and other types of fast analog and digital signals within a system almost always requires a high impedance probe. Advances in Probing Technology
for Capture of High Frequency Signals
LeCroy Corporation Booth 600 Intel Developers Forum Press and Analyst
Contact: Dr. Michael Lauterbach, Director, Product Management
Measuring wideband signals such as PCI Express, Serial ATA and other types of fast analog and
digital signals within a system almost always requires a high impedance probe. One is occasionally
fortunate enough to be able to connect a high frequency signal directly to the input of a measuring
instrument via a cable, but most signals must be observed within a functioning system to determine
characteristics while the system is operating. Oscilloscope users in particular are very familiar with
both active and passive probes that measure a voltage when the tip is touched to an expos……