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用户3826190 2016-3-18 21:36
RC-controlled car collision avoidance system
Some time last year, the folks at Silego offered 25 free GPAK4 development kits to whoever could tempt me with the tastiest of tempting ideas for G ...
用户3826190 2016-3-18 21:30
Meet my 4-Port beast of a USB charger
Many of us know the saying "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." If this is true, then I'm a very dangerous man indeed. Before we proceed to ...
用户3826190 2016-3-14 18:48
Have you heard of the great capacitor plague?
I am not sure about you, but I tend to put quite a lot of faith in the quality of electronic components. Call me "hopelessly optimistic" if you wil ...
用户3826190 2016-3-14 18:44
Atlas humanoid robot scaringly lifelike
Well, I just saw something that sent shivers down my spine. I don’t know whether to be excited or afraid. My chum Arthur Smith -- a man who manage ...
用户3826190 2016-3-14 18:29
SNAPified snowmen
About a month ago, I had a chat chatting on the phone with my chums over at Synapse Wireless . Although the concept of the "Hello There!" badges o ...
用户3826190 2016-2-26 21:50
Cycle-accurate core consumes only 308 FPGA LUTs
Several days ago I heard from Edward, the founder of MicroCore Labs . In his initial message, Edward spake as follows:   ...
用户3826190 2016-2-19 14:23
LCD selection tool for caveman time portal
It is amazing how things seem to sort themselves out while you aren’t looking. For example, I had no sooner started some portentous pondering how ...
用户3826190 2016-2-19 14:16
Conundrum: My 3.3V supply is only 1.5V
No happy face for me a few days ago. I was faced with a conundrum that made my poor old noggin ache. The solution turned out to be simple, but the ...
用户3826190 2016-2-12 18:08
Developing OS in assembly language
One of our younger readers--we'll call Ryan (because that's his name)--is desperately keen to learn more about all aspects of electronics. Every no ...
用户3826190 2016-2-5 19:08
Best coding standard for embedded software
It's not that I can’t write C per se -- it's just that I don’t write very good C (LOL). Thus, I'm currently on a quest to learn C/C++. ...
用户3826190 2016-2-5 19:03
Computer-controlled 3D carving machines
I am a weak-willed man and I cannot help myself. I tried to stop, but I failed miserably. I used every argument my conscious brain I could think of ...
用户3826190 2016-1-22 18:32
Control IoT devices with smartphones: Hierarchical menus
In my previous article on this topic, we discussed how I'm using a 29-GPIO Simblee breakout board to control my cunning Chronograph.   ...
用户3826190 2016-1-22 18:25
Time machine vs time portal
One of the artifacts I've long been planning on featuring in my Caveman Diorama is an H.G. Wells-esque Time Machine (see also Caveman Floodlights ...
用户3826190 2016-1-21 18:23
How to sync video (TV) with audio (radio)
In certain respects, things were much simpler in the old days. Take synchronizing images and sound, for example. In the case of traditional movie f ...
用户3826190 2016-1-21 18:18
Pullup resistors can be tricky
I have a feeling that I'm starting to lose track of the plot. Let me expound, explicate, and elucidate (don’t worry; I'm a professional). ...
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