Flashback is one of the most powerful features in LeCroy’s LabNotebook documentation tool. Not only does LabNote-book save a report of a user se-lected test, it also can store the acquired waveforms and oscillo-scope setup. If you find yourself in the position of having not taken a specific measurement during the test, with Flashback you can recall the data and make additional measurements. A P P L I C A T I O N B R I E F
LabNotebook Flashback Mode
Recall Traces and Setups from the LabNotebook Database
Flashback is one of the most
powerful features in LeCroy’s
LabNotebook documentation
tool. Not only does LabNote-
book save a report of a user se-
lected test, it also can store the
acquired waveforms and oscillo-
scope setup. If you find yourself
in the position of having not
taken a specific measurement
during the test, with Flashback
you can recall the data and
make additional measurements.
Figure 1 shows the LabNote-
book dialog box. The Flashback
button wi……