原标题:Murata's Ferrite Bead Makes for Optimal Anti-Noise Device
主要内容: 在像手机等小尺寸移动设备终端里,无源元件的引入有效降低噪声及串扰。村田制作所致力于小尺寸高性能的磁珠,例如BLM15,BLM03。本文以大量数据曲线来说明其产品的特性。 Murata’s Ferrite Bead Makes for
Optimal Anti-Noise Device
The company has developed a unique material and made improvements in the
conventional process to achieve a chip ferrite bead with 60 percent lower DC resistance.
he increasing penetration rate of
mobile phones, mobile audio
players and portable game con-
soles has put in a lot of pressure
to scale down their sizes and to imple-
ment a low-noise design, while improv-
ing performance and increasing efficiency
of power usage. To meet such require-
ments, a host of passive components, in-
cluding capacitors, resistors and electro-