原标题:Murata's New ESR Capacitors Tackle Anti-Resonance ESR(equivalent series resistance)
主要内容:可以有效解决噪声抑制不足的问题,可是,目前ESR电容并未大量使用,原因主要由于ESR值过于低下,阻抗峰值或称为反共振与去耦性能在峰值频率下均呈下降趋势。为了解决这一问题,村田制作所开发了一种新型低ESL控制的ESR电容,该电容ESR值有效提高,隶属于村田制作所LLR系列电容。 Novel Capacitors
Murata’s New ESR Capacitors
Tackle Anti-Resonance
s consumers continue to seek out Ideally, the electrical charac-
more innovative and attractive prod- teristics of a capacitor are quot-
ucts, manufacturers keep coming up ed only by equivalent series ca-
with more advanced electronic pacitance (ESC), which indi-
equipment. High-performance LSIs play a cen- cates capacitance. In reality,
tral role in those electronic products, starting however, dielectric (material)
from the communication equipment underpin- loss and internal electrode loss
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