原标题:Murata's Components Resolve Noises of Digital Audio Amplifier ICs
主要内容:本文简介了有关数字音频放大器的噪声问题及噪声抑制的方法。从噪声的来源,有关噪声抑制的研究,噪声抑制滤波器等方面使用大量数据与图表来阐述。 Murata’s Components Resolve Noises
of Digital Audio Amplifier ICs
owadays, digital audio ampli-
fier ICs are being used as au-
dio amplifiers for digital au-
dio-video (A/V) devices such
as mobile phones, portable audio play-
ers, and flat-panel LCD TVs primarily
because of their lower power consump-
tion and less heat generation. They also
have the capacity to support the creation
of smaller circuits rather than using con-
ventional linear amplifiers while achiev-
ing the same level of audio performance,
including sound quality and distortion.
As digital audio amplifiers further ad- Fig. 2: An outline diagram of the amplification block switching ……