原英文标题:PCBs With Embedded Components Emerge for Capacitors
为了加速PCB功能化、模块化,将电容嵌入到PCB板的制作之中,即将电容埋入PCB板中,例如偏置电容和去耦电容。本文简介了村田制作所制造的电容,可以用来将其嵌入到PCB板中,以达到减少PCB布板面积的应用。 PCBs With Embedded Components
Emerge for Capacitors
s latest electronic products aim
for and achieve even greater
functionality, the number of
components incorporated
within equipment has also increased, while
strong demand for reducing their size and Surface-mount PCB Component-embedded PCB
profile has been apparent. Miniaturiza- (1005 capacitor: T = 0.55mm Max.) (1005 capacitor: T = 0.22mm Max.)
tion of capacitors, like capacitors for by- Fig. 2: Electromagnetic field simulation models
passing and decoupling ICs, which are in-
dispensable for the stable operation of ICs, ules hav……