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用户3826190 2015-4-25 17:38
Incredibly cool WS2812-NeoPixel-based clock
Well, I am all aquiver with excitement. When I returned from my trip to the UK last week (to celebrate what would have been my dear old dad's 100th ...
用户1125082 2015-4-24 16:12
来源: 中关村在线     据外媒报道,Google Glass面市后在极客圈中备受追捧,但是在大众眼里却饱受争议,原因就是Google  ...
用户1125082 2015-4-24 16:11
1分钟搞定刷机 百度DuWear手表系统公测版上线
假装是极客       搜狐科技 文/丁丁   继上周智能手表操作系统页面上线后,百度今天正式推出了DuWear公测版系统。 ...
用户1140976 2015-4-24 15:01
ESD事件是两个具有不同静电电位的物体经由接触或者电离空气放电或火花放电而进行能量转移而引起。材料类型、接触面积、分离速度、相对湿度和其它因素均影响了摩 ...
用户1826203 2015-4-24 14:24
由于 TVS 二极管的响应速度特别快(为 ps 级),击穿电压有从 6.8V ~ 550V 的系列,钳制电压比较准确,因此除了常作为陶瓷气体放电管后方的二极防护 ...
忆轻狂 2015-4-23 23:48
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTEwNDExMzc2.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2 我有在网上浏览视频的习惯,但是很少推荐,这个视频一开始并没有引起我的注意,因为 ...
用户3607565 2015-4-23 22:27
Analogue optical fibre strengthens RF link
Co-axial copper cables have long been utilised as conduits of analogue RF signals but there is now a medium for electromagnetic energy that is star ...
用户3671694 2015-4-23 22:16
A look at an Ampere current sensor
My cup runneth over. Vendors keep sending nifty tools for measuring the current consumed by low-power embedded systems. Recently the intriguingly-n ...
用户3607565 2015-4-23 22:09
LED luminaire design change may hurt repairability
It’s not news that LED-based bulbs are replacing the venerable incandescent bulb. In many jurisdictions, the basic incandescent bulb (especially f ...
用户3813345 2015-4-23 22:04
Is engineering no longer as satisfying?
I graduated college in 1979 (yeah, I know.... makes me about 35, right?). Back then our college Comp Sci department had less processing power than ...
用户3826190 2015-4-23 21:58
Full human head transplant: Closer than we think?
Have you ever seen the Star Trek episode Spock's Brain ? The idea is that aliens remove Spock's brain from his body and insert it into a box tha ...
用户3665759 2015-4-23 21:41
Managing data in the age of ubiquitous connectivity
For as long as there have been computers, companies have employed networks to monitor, update and fix the software that runs on them. Witness deskt ...
用户1647523 2015-4-23 17:41
 点击了解:无线模块WizFi210   1 、HTTP和HTTPS简介 1.1 HTTP简介        HTTP 即超文本传输协议(H ...
用户1125082 2015-4-23 15:41
微波炉也该更新换代 接班人就这蒸汽焗炉没跑了
极果      大家有没有过这样的经历:用微波炉热东西,没盖保鲜膜,结果拿出来食品变得干干的。这样既不能保留水分和营养,吃起 ...
用户1832443 2015-4-23 11:36
  中国 减速电机 行业的发展历史已有近四十年,在民生经济到重要的国防工业等各个领域都有着广泛的应用。食品轻工、电力机械、建筑机械、冶金机械、水泥机械 ...
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