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用户3813345 2015-4-28 17:17
What you won't learn in engineering school
In business school, they use case studies to see what clicks and what doesn't. In law school, they study old court arguments. But it's not often th ...
用户3813345 2015-4-28 17:15
What engineering schools don't teach you
In business school, they use case studies to see what works and what doesn't. In law school, they study old court arguments. But it's not often tha ...
用户3826190 2015-4-28 17:05
Sensor-packed capriciously cunning chronograph
My chum Duane Benson just sent me an incredible clock based on a 60-element NeoPixel ring from Adafruit, the whole thing being powered by a custo ...
用户3826190 2015-4-28 16:51
Language translation: Human vs machine
There are various ways of looking at artificial intelligence. One I remember hearing decades ago was that a computer could be considered to be inte ...
用户1125082 2015-4-28 15:07
来源: 北京青年报   本报讯(记者 张钦)我国新的空气净化器国家标准已于上个月通过全国家用电器标准化技术委员会清洁器具分技 ...
用户1832898 2015-4-28 10:23
鸿图科技国际有限公司是一家专业代理经销电子元器件的公司,现主要代理经销ACTEL、Atmel、IR、ADI、Microsemi、XILINX、TI、NXP、ON、NS、DIODES、Microchip ...
用户1774723 2015-4-28 09:58
file iNode 结构之间的区别
struct file_operations 是一个字符设备把驱动的操作和设备号联系在一起的纽带,是一系列指针的集合,每个被打开的文件都对应于一系列的操作,这就是 fi ...
jerrymiao 2015-4-28 08:46
如果把CPU比作是电路的大脑的话,那么晶振毫无质疑就是心脏。同样,电路对晶振的要求也如同一个人对心脏的要求一样,最最需要的就是稳定。目前晶振的主要加工 ...
用户1826266 2015-4-27 16:15
从年初以一篇撕逼 WiFi路由器无线性能为主题的新浪长微博开始,我向公众push了很多无线性能测试方面的科普文章,占去了我不少私人时间,这件事情有我做公益科 ...
用户1597771 2015-4-27 15:35
    雅虎实验室最近公布了一项全新的移动设备生物识别技术“Bodyprint”,该项技术可识别出用户的身体不同部位,并使移动设备进行解锁、 ...
用户1826203 2015-4-27 14:47
瞬态抑制二极管若按封装及内部结构可分为:轴向引线二极管、双列直插 TVS  阵列(适用多线保护)、贴片式、组件式和大功率模块式等。 S61089 是贴片式的 ...
用户1125082 2015-4-27 11:46
何须暴力拆解 X射线下的Apple Watch
来源: 中关村在线      前几日,ifixit带来了苹果Apple Watch拆解,我们看到Apple Watch内部构造还是较为规整,并且做 ...
用户1204474 2015-4-27 10:48
       据路透社报道,华为轮值CEO徐直军周二表示,中国若想要信息安全得到长久保障,就必须打开市场,接纳国内外最好的技术。封闭带不来信息安全。 ...
用户1831875 2015-4-25 21:08
周** 13715033361 qq2105550254   高价收购库存各类电子元器件及手机配件高通系列.回收驱动IC.回收玻璃IC.回收家电IC.回收家电模块.回收内存芯片.回收flas ...
用户3826190 2015-4-25 17:45
WAV trigger: Are you ready for some fun?
My dreams have come true. I am currently performing my happiest of happy dances (it's not a pretty sight). Let me explain. For the longest time, I' ...
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