原标题:Conductive Adhesive-Compliant Capacitors Boost Lead-Free Trend
主要内容: 可用导电胶连接的电容避免了常用的松香、焊锡所造成在高温下容易出错的问题。本文还阐述了应用背景,面临的问题,稳固性测试及村田制作所提供的电容所必需达到的特性,包括抗击热浪,震动及生态环境。 Conductive Adhesive-Compliant
Capacitors Boost Lead-Free Trend
To ensure product reliability, Murata has designed the electrodes to contain Ag and
Pd and has implemented a structure that can adapt to very hot environments.
he development and adoption Photo 1 shows an example of a compo-
of lead-free products in the elec- nent mounted by using conductive adhe-
tronic equipment industry have sives.
been very active. At present, the From now on, it is expected that the
conductive adhesive, as an alternative conductive adhesives will be used for
product for s……