介绍有限元分析The Finite Element Method
Fifth edition
Volume 1: The Basis
Professor O.C. Zienkiewicz, CBE, FRS, FREng is Professor Emeritus and Director
of the Institute for Numerical Methods in Engineering at the University of Wales,
Swansea, UK. He holds the UNESCO Chair of Numerical Methods in Engineering
at the Technical University of Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. He was the head of the
Civil Engineering Department at the University of Wales Swansea between 1961
and 1989. He established that department as one of the primary centres of nite
element research. In 1968 he became the Founder Editor of the International Journal
for Numerical Methods in Engineering which still remains today the major journal
in this eld. The recipient of 24 honorary degrees and many medals, Professor
Zienkiewicz i……