Required Technologies for Transmission of 4 x 25 Gb/s Over a Copper BackplaneICTF 2010 Shanghai
Required Technologies for
Transmission of 4 x 25 Gb/s
Over a Copper Backplane
Danny Morlion
Vice- President Engineering
FCI Electronics Division
In the quest to transmit higher data rates over copper backplanes, various standards
organizations such as the IEEE 802.3ba committee are proposing extensions to existing
specifications. One possible path to achieving transmission at 100 Gb/s would be to move
to a 4 x 25 Gb/s implementation. New component requirements for the channel must be
defined to accommodate these higher signal speeds. A new approach is presented
whereby a theoretically perfect channel is first characterized to establish the feasibility of
transmitting a data rate of 25 Gb/s over copper backplanes. Subsequently, models ……