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用户1608677 2015-11-2 15:35
户外LED照明 开路保护方案
户外 LED 照明 开路保护方案   高亮度LED现在正在许多不同的照明应用,例如户外显示板,交通信号,路灯或隧道照明,机场跑道照明等使用   ...
用户1608677 2015-11-2 15:33
供应现货供应开路保护力特 LED电路保护器PLED06系列
供应现货供应开路保护力特  LED 电路保护器 PLED06 系列   本公司供应供应开路保护 littlefuse  LED 电路保护器 PLED06 on牌NUD4700,品 ...
用户1826203 2015-11-2 14:38
要想不被市场所淘汰,所研发生产的产品必须能够满足市场需求,电路保护器件的研发也必然是以现有市场产品的防护需求为基础。便携式电子产品充斥市场的同时, ...
用户1826203 2015-11-2 14:23
过压器件 TVS 管 应用广泛是工程师都知道的, 因为瞬态抑制二极管的特点是 反应速度快 ( 为  ps  级 )  ,体积小 ,脉冲功率较大 ,箝位电 ...
用户1542128 2015-11-2 11:13
紫光又出手,此次在台湾。紫光集团与台湾力成科技股份有限公司于2015年10月30日在台湾新竹签署策略联盟契约及认股协议书, 紫光集团向力成投资约6亿美元,以 ...
用户1204474 2015-11-2 10:39
         IDC的最新数据显示,今年三季度,联想智能手机在全球市场的份额为5.3%,而在去年同期,联想的全球市场份额为5.1%。并入联想一年多以来,摩 ...
用户3519199 2015-10-31 14:24
National Offshore Wind Energy Policy -India
 India has the world’s fifth highest onshore installed wind power capacity that contributes about 65 per cent of the renewable energy capacity. C ...
用户3607565 2015-10-30 21:48
Hearing aid design advances: Beyond words and music
Some products, such as the latest smartphones, get lots of attention and have a lot of glamour associated with them. Yet there are large groups of ...
用户3519980 2015-10-30 21:43
Tinkering with the ethics knob
What a controversial word is “ethics,” with its explosive potential lending itself to varying interpretations. It’s like the word, “obscen ...
用户3671694 2015-10-30 21:37
Check out this arbitrary waveform generator
My dad grew up during the depression and was in the Navy in the tail end of WWII. He had little use for Japanese products, and to this day sniffs a ...
用户3826190 2015-10-30 21:33
Bitfusion to bring supercomputing to the masses
I was just chatting with the folks from Bitfusion.io , who are on a mission to "bring supercomputing to the masses." Of course, when they say this ...
用户3826190 2015-10-30 21:18
Do you want an application-specific RTOS now?
An RTOS Smackdown hosted and moderated by yours truly was a fun event comprising a series of five-minute presentations followed by a question and a ...
用户3607565 2015-10-30 21:12
Basic product, but subtle troubleshooting
Debugging and troubleshooting are major parts of the engineer's world. I've always regarded them as the most difficult of engineering challenges be ...
用户1511209 2015-10-30 18:47
 VGAIC(R)畅通信息发布H265编码器和H265解码器一体化传输解决方案   1: VGAIC(R)畅通信息H265编码器VGAIC-EN7100支持UDP TS组播/单播 ...
用户1826203 2015-10-30 14:31
电路保护几乎是无处不在的,有功能器 件的PCB板中绝对有电路保护器件的防护。硕凯电子最新推出用于包括调制解调器,电话,线路卡,应答机,传真机,SLIC,T1/ ...
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