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用户3607565 2015-3-20 18:59
Supercaps to power electric vehicles?
Supercapacitors (also called ultracapacitors) are a relatively recent fundamental technology innovation for passive devices, with the first ones co ...
用户3826190 2015-3-20 18:55
So that .sucks!
I guess that nothing should surprise me these days, but it seems like almost every day something new pops up that I would never have thought up by ...
用户3813345 2015-3-20 18:46
Questioning conventional wisdom
Swaziland is an absolute monarchy in a rather dry area of Southern Africa. As part of a United Nations project to irrigate sugar cane fields, a dam ...
用户3622628 2015-3-20 18:43
Apple's ResearchKit: Is open source good for you and Apple?
The recent Apple Spring Forward event was notable for the hardware it unveiled. And indeed, here is a quote from my previous comment: As is of ...
用户3826190 2015-3-20 18:37
IoT4EE: Enabling IoT for everyone and everything
Every now and then, I am fortunate enough to run across a real game changer that puts a spring in my step, a twinkle in my eye, and makes my creati ...
用户3826190 2015-3-20 18:21
Meet Dr. Duino
One way I keep myself out of trouble is to always have a bunch of hobby projects on the go. A few years ago I started playing with Arduino microcon ...
用户3826190 2015-3-20 18:18
Introducing Dr. Duino
One way I keep myself out of trouble is to always have a bunch of hobby projects on the go. A few years ago I started playing with Arduino microcon ...
用户3826190 2015-3-20 17:28
A peek at CEVA's human-like intelligent embedded vision
I truly believe we are on the brink of a major evolution in embedded systems technology involving embedded vision and embedded speech capabilities. ...
用户3826190 2015-3-20 17:25
Check out CEVA's human-like intelligent embedded vision
I truly believe we are on the brink of a major evolution in embedded systems technology involving embedded vision and embedded speech capabilities. ...
用户1125082 2015-3-20 16:15
微软手环也刮英伦风 下月将在英开售
来源: 中关村在线     面对满屏都是Apple Watch的消息时,您是不是已经忘记了那款去年年末犹如黑马般的微软智能手环了。 ...
武晔卿 2015-3-20 16:13
         嵌入式软件在需求规划、架构设计、变量定义、数据存储、显示界面设计、报警设计时,都可能会有多个同类的内容在系统运行时间的先后、存储空间 ...
用户406343 2015-3-20 15:22
自人类诞生之日起,我们就着迷于永生的魅力。从古埃及的法老到宗教信徒,许多人都曾做出过尝试,但永生仍然神秘莫测。 以艾伦·图灵的一生为蓝本的 ...
用户1826203 2015-3-20 14:42
一、应用背景 : 1.全球气候变暖,雷雨天气增多。 2.网络设备雷击损坏后,危害大。 3.网络设备雷击损害后,维修成本高。 4.高浪涌防护设备 ...
用户1826203 2015-3-20 14:35
在前面小硕有介绍过硕凯电子瞬态抑制二极管的封装形式,如果你们还有印象的话,一定还记得,SOCAY的 TVS 二极管 封装形式分为贴片型和引线型两大类,两大类 ...
用户1832210 2015-3-20 11:45
赛威CW3002D 智能识别IC方案 双USB
CW3002D是USB充电协议端口控制IC,可自动识别充电设备类型,并通过对应的USB充电协议与设备握手,使之获得最大充电电流,在保护充电设备的前提下节 ...
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