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用户3826190 2015-3-21 11:16
IoT4EE could change everything
I just had an epiphany. It didn't hurt though so don't worry. I was sitting down at the time. This is all to do with the Internet of Things (IoT). ...
用户1636285 2015-3-21 10:50
车充IC5V1A 5V1.5A 带线补车充IC方案 CX8502
CX8502 5V3A 100KHZ 车载充电器 IC 概述 CX8502 是一颗车载充电器芯片,采用 SOP8 封装,内置MOS,输入范围 10V ~ 40V (典 ...
用户1636285 2015-3-21 10:44
电源适配器5V2A 全电压IC方案
CX7181  高精度原边反馈开关电源芯片 概述 CX7181是一颗高精度离线式开关电源电路,应用于低功耗AC/DC充电器与适配器。CX7181最大输出功率12W,采用DI ...
用户1636285 2015-3-21 10:26
车充IC 5V1A CX8502
概述   CX8502是一颗车载充电器芯片,采用SOP-8 封装,内置MOS,输入范围10V~40V(典型为12V、24V),输出为5V,最大输出电流为3A/2A(具体值由检 ...
用户1636285 2015-3-21 10:23
CX8517 车载充电器IC 5V2.4A
  CX8517 3.5A 180KHz 36V DC-DC降压转换器 恒流/恒压环路芯片概述 CX8517是一款180KHz固定频率PWM降压DC/DC转换器,能够高效率驱动3.5A负载,低 ...
用户1636285 2015-3-21 10:22
 CX8505   3A  车载充电器IC/方案          1、 CX8505 应用简要说明     CX8505 是一个350KHz 的固定频率PWM 降压DC-DC 转换器,3A电 ...
用户1636285 2015-3-21 10:22
USB智能自动识别IC CX1901 CX2901
USB智能自动识别IC CX1901 CX2901 深圳市诚芯微科技有限公司 联系人:于才亮 手机:18718516802 联系QQ:1547054001 联系邮箱:szdianzi@163.com ...
用户1636285 2015-3-21 10:19
电源适配器5V1A 旅充IC CX7156 六级能效全电压IC
供应5V1A旅充IC旅充5V1A方案/CX7156/六级能效   特点   l     初级侧调节消除光电耦合器和次级CV/CC控制电路 l     多模式 ...
自做自受 2015-3-20 21:51
原创 阳光-树叶-光伏板
阳光,冬季,重庆,今天有阳光。 树叶,厚厚积尘,随处可见。 光伏板,又如何? 不禁回忆和联想,加深了意 ...
用户3607565 2015-3-20 19:00
Can we power electric vehicles using supercaps?
Supercapacitors (also known as ultracapacitors) are a relatively recent fundamental technology innovation for passive devices, with the first ones ...
用户3607565 2015-3-20 18:59
Supercaps to power electric vehicles?
Supercapacitors (also called ultracapacitors) are a relatively recent fundamental technology innovation for passive devices, with the first ones co ...
用户3826190 2015-3-20 18:55
So that .sucks!
I guess that nothing should surprise me these days, but it seems like almost every day something new pops up that I would never have thought up by ...
用户3813345 2015-3-20 18:46
Questioning conventional wisdom
Swaziland is an absolute monarchy in a rather dry area of Southern Africa. As part of a United Nations project to irrigate sugar cane fields, a dam ...
用户3622628 2015-3-20 18:43
Apple's ResearchKit: Is open source good for you and Apple?
The recent Apple Spring Forward event was notable for the hardware it unveiled. And indeed, here is a quote from my previous comment: As is of ...
用户3826190 2015-3-20 18:37
IoT4EE: Enabling IoT for everyone and everything
Every now and then, I am fortunate enough to run across a real game changer that puts a spring in my step, a twinkle in my eye, and makes my creati ...
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