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张进东 2016-3-21 11:12
     2012 年 6 月,我和两个同学在北京天通苑附近注册了一个公司,办公地点在主要做图像处理方面的项目开发,为规模较大而研发力量不足的公司提 ...
张进东 2016-3-21 11:09
     时光如白驹过隙,转眼就是六年。上次更新这篇文章还是在 2010 年初。之前提到我从 2009 年进入清华大学的实验室,协助实验室的老师实现研究成 ...
用户1866459 2016-3-20 22:29
技术宅们自制2016最浪漫礼物:DIY 机器人(附教程)
Facebook CEO 马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)周末在 Facebook 个人页面上撰文,公布了他 2016 年的一大目标:开发能控制家庭环境的人工智能技术。 以下 ...
用户42516 2016-3-20 11:08
请玩diy航模的朋友们注意杜邦插头接触不良问题   最近看好多玩DIY航模的摔机视频,不知道他们有没有想到,那些飞控使用的杜邦头子长期振动氧化腐蚀造 ...
用户3826190 2016-3-19 17:45
Nighttime aerial drone ballet makes you feel good
My chum Arthur Smith in the UK  is the man who balances being an expert in Cosmic Ray research with beekeeping and creating homemade soap -- not a ...
用户3826190 2016-3-19 17:37
Is Python better than C?
A quick Google for something like "Python vs. C" will yield lots of comparisons out there. Sad to relate, however, trying to work out which is the ...
用户3607565 2016-3-19 17:33
Wall wart plus battery for small UPS: You buying?
We all know those self-contained AC/DC converters – often called “wall warts” – which power many small devices, often running 24/7/365 at load ...
用户3826190 2016-3-19 17:28
Arduino's random() function: How random is it?
In line with my Caveman Diorama project, we've nowcome to the stage where we need to consider how to implement the fire around which a miniature ve ...
用户3826190 2016-3-19 17:24
Is the Arduino's random() function truly random?
As part of my on-going Caveman Diorama project, we've nowcome to the stage where we need to consider how to implement the fire around which a minia ...
用户1852757 2016-3-19 09:24
  近年来,随着科技的不断进步,各种智能化仪器仪表、医疗、保健器械、通讯设备、汽车电子等组装技术往自动化、微型化方向发展已是必然趋势。因此,相关的 ...
用户3519980 2016-3-18 21:41
Are your charging habits bad for your smartphone?
Well, this is can be quite a shock and no mistake. I've been happily toddling along through life under the impression that the way in which I charg ...
用户3826190 2016-3-18 21:36
RC-controlled car collision avoidance system
Some time last year, the folks at Silego offered 25 free GPAK4 development kits to whoever could tempt me with the tastiest of tempting ideas for G ...
用户3826190 2016-3-18 21:30
Meet my 4-Port beast of a USB charger
Many of us know the saying "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." If this is true, then I'm a very dangerous man indeed. Before we proceed to ...
用户3834092 2016-3-18 15:00
高速信号传输离不开完整的电路防护方案,各类传输接口由于芯片集成度普标较高,其受到静电放电威胁的概率也在增加。MDDI(Mobile Display Digital Interface) ...
用户1867301 2016-3-18 14:09
FBI与苹果围绕“解锁”的“战火”愈演愈烈,这让笔者不禁想到我天朝的华强北——这个新款IPhone还未发布就已经开售的神器市场,令奥巴马发话的苹果“解锁” ...
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