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用户3826190 2014-4-4 18:47
A touch act to follow
Well, this may have nothing to do with electronics, but I'm about to put a smile on your face and make you a happier person, and that's got to coun ...
用户3826190 2014-4-4 18:37
I wish I were a 3D mechanical CAD expert
I truly wish I were an expert with a 3D mechanical CAD package. A few months ago, I was all gung-ho about learning DesignSpark Mechanical. I downlo ...
用户616469 2014-4-4 16:59
前一篇《美女打靶》一文,因工作忙,久未更新,看了广大的网友的回复和留言,甚是感激,其中 ufo2003  的留言印象最为深刻,实践是检验真理的唯一标准, ...
用户1277994 2014-4-4 15:00
  传统PC市场萎缩,进军平板并不顺利,新兴物联网多年雷声大雨点小,服务器市场甚至还遭遇新锐对手ARM的挑衅。芯片巨人英特尔算是最近有些烦。但经历 ...
用户1125082 2014-4-4 14:07
下半年“电话平板”将兴起 联发科受益
来源: 搜狐IT     4月3日,根据Digitimes Research的最新市场研究数据,今年全球白牌 平板电脑 市场增长强劲, ...
用户1727149 2014-4-4 10:52
  终止浪涌的简单高效浪涌电流限制器      通常为 200W 或 200W 以上负载供电的离线 电源, 都需要采用 浪涌电流限制器 。毫无 ...
用户1382844 2014-4-4 10:42
德国诗人海涅:“金钱主宰世界,罗斯柴尔德是他的先 知” 我也来对经济先知先觉一把:想发财---卖房买股票 依据以下事实: 1:打老虎,制**。老虎 ...
用户3665759 2014-4-3 19:00
Industrial IoT development made easy
About a year ago, when people started discussing the impact the emerging Internet of Things would have on existing industrial control networks, one ...
用户3826190 2014-4-3 18:43
Altera, Intel to partner on multi-die 14nm FPGAs
Well, as usual, things are racing along in the programmable logic space (where no one can hear you scream). Around the middle of 2013, Altera detai ...
用户1704490 2014-4-3 18:35
前一篇《美女打靶》一文,因工作忙,久未更新,看了广大的网友的回复和留言,甚是感激,其中 ufo2003 的留言印象最为深刻,实践是检验真理的唯一标准,恭 ...
用户3826190 2014-4-3 18:31
7 billion bananas... how scary!
I was lying in bed last night thinking about my recent blog, Why lunchtime is an illusion . In particular, I was thinking of the dynamic, ever-cha ...
用户3607565 2014-4-3 18:19
AC grounds: Essential or not?
"Ground" is one of those terms that gets tossed around so much in our profession that it has an almost mystical-like aura. It seems that whatever y ...
用户1647523 2014-4-3 16:26
2014 深圳Maker Faire -- WIZnet展出预告
2014年深圳Maker Faire 即将启幕,WIZnet将首次出席亮相展会。 主办方:SeeedStudio ,   CSDN , 雷锋网 展会时间:4月6日-4月7日 展 ...
用户590739 2014-4-3 15:15
根据台湾最大人力银行一○四的统计,今年三月至今,企业端共提供四十九万八千个工作机会,比去年同期增加一九%;再看求职端,近一个月以来,求职人数约三十 ...
用户590743 2014-4-3 10:42
核心提示:1)3D打印心脏穿戴设备可套在心脏上,当心跳骤停传递电流试试救治。 2)日常可通过APP链接手机观察心脏状况,已出原型设备。      ...
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